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FHidayat 22nd May 2008 14:32

Siapakah pemilik The FED ??
The Federal Reserve, Lembaga atau Badan swasta yg selama ini mengendalikan, mencetak dan memperjual belikan bank note US$ milik siapakah ?? Yang pasti bukan milik Pemerintah USA, dengan kekuasaannya yg begitu besar thd mata uang US$ sebagai Badan atau Lembaga Swasta sangat-sangat mustahil dan tidak masuk akal, tetapi begitulah kenyataannya. Siapakah sesungguhnya pemiliknya, mengapa pemerintah USA tidak berusaha untuk mengambil alihnya ?

grail 22nd May 2008 14:57

klo gak salah sich THE Fed dimiliki oleh bank-bank swasta, nanti dech cari tahu dulu bank2 pemiliknya?.

bakaSHINJI 22nd May 2008 15:11

Bukannya the fed itu bank sentralnya US?? Milik pemerintahnya dong ...

base-g 22nd May 2008 15:16

saya sadur dari encyclopedia britannica

Federal Reserve System: central banking authority of the United States. It acts as a fiscal agent for the U.S. government, is custodian of the reserve accounts of commercial banks, makes loans to commercial banks, and oversees the supply of currency, including coin, in coordination with the U.S. Mint. Created by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the system consists of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the 12 Federal Reserve banks, the Federal Open Market Committee, the Federal Advisory Council, and, since 1976, a Consumer Advisory Council; there are several thousand member banks.

The seven-member Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System determines the reserve requirements of the member banks within statutory limits, reviews and determines the discount rates established by the 12 Federal Reserve banks, and reviews the budgets of the reserve banks. The Chairman of the Board of Governors is appointed to a four-year term by the president of the United States.

A Federal Reserve bank is a privately owned corporation established pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act to serve the public interest; it is governed by a board of nine directors, six of whom are elected by the member banks and three of whom are appointed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The 12 Federal Reserve banks are located in Boston; New York City; Philadelphia; Chicago; San Francisco; Cleveland, Ohio; Richmond, Virginia; Atlanta, Georgia; St. Louis, Missouri; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Kansas City, Missouri; and Dallas, Texas.

The 12-member Federal Open Market Committee, consisting of the seven members of the Board of Governors, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and four members elected by the Federal Reserve banks, is responsible for the determination of Federal Reserve bank policy to encourage long-term objectives of price stability (i.e., controlling inflation through the adjustment of interest rates) and economic growth. The Federal Advisory Council, whose role is purely advisory, consists of one representative from each of the 12 Federal Reserve districts.

The Federal Reserve System exercises its regulatory powers in several ways, the most important of which may be classified as instruments of direct or indirect control. One form of direct control can be exercised by adjusting the legal reserve ratio—i.e., the proportion of its deposits that a member bank must hold in its reserve account—thus increasing or reducing the amount of new loans that the commercial banks can make. Because loans give rise to new deposits, the potential money supply is, in this way, expanded or reduced.

The money supply may also be influenced through manipulation of the discount rate, which is the rate of interest charged by Federal Reserve banks on short-term secured loans to member banks. Since these loans are typically sought by banks to maintain reserves at their required level, an increase in the cost of such loans has an effect similar to that of increasing the reserve requirement.

The classic method of indirect control is through open-market operations, first widely used in the 1920s and now employed daily to make small adjustments in the market. Federal Reserve bank sales or purchases of securities on the open market tend to reduce or increase the size of commercial-bank reserves; e.g., when the Federal Reserve sells securities, the purchasers pay for them with checks drawn on their deposits, thereby reducing the reserves of the banks on which the checks are drawn.

The three instruments of control described here have been conceded to be more effective in preventing inflation in times of high economic activity than in bringing about revival from a period of depression. A supplemental control occasionally used by the Federal Reserve Board is that of changing the margin requirements involved in the purchase of securities.

The Federal Reserve has broad supervisory and regulatory authority over state-chartered banks and bank holding companies, as well as foreign banks operating in the United States. It is also involved in maintaining the credit rights of consumers. One of the longest chairmanships of the Federal Reserve Board was held by Alan Greenspan, who took office in August 1987 and held the post until January 2006.

jadi sudah bisa menjawab pertanyaan kan?

bakaSHINJI 22nd May 2008 15:44

Kenapa saya juga ikut penasaran soal the fed ini ya ...

Dari situs salah satu member the fed ...


Who Owns the Fed? Banks that hold stock in the Fed are called member banks. All nationally chartered banks hold stock in the Federal Reserve. State-chartered banks may choose to be members, upon meeting certain standards. However, holding Fed stock is not like owning publicly traded stock. Fed stock cannot be sold or traded. Member banks receive a fixed, 6 percent dividend annually on their stock, and they do not control the Fed as a result of owning this stock. They do, however, elect six of the nine members of Reserve Banks’ boards of directors.

Who owns the Fed then? Although it is set up like a private corporation and member banks hold its stock, the Fed owes its existence to an act of Congress and has a mandate to serve the public. So the most accurate answer may be that the Fed is “owned” by the citizens of the United States.

zildjidan 22nd May 2008 16:14

Sejarah dan sepakterjang the FED : (Zeitgeist part 9) (Zitgeist part 10) (Zeitgeist part 11)

(Video telah ditranslate dalam bahasa Indonesia)

Sebenarnya orang2 dibalik the FED lah yang mengontrol penuh pemerintahan Amerika bahkan dunia tanpa dapat tersentuh oleh hukum negara tsb.

Perseverence 22nd May 2008 16:22


Originally Posted by FHidayat (Post 2384278)
The Federal Reserve, Lembaga atau Badan swasta yg selama ini mengendalikan, mencetak dan memperjual belikan bank note US$ milik siapakah ?? Yang pasti bukan milik Pemerintah USA, dengan kekuasaannya yg begitu besar thd mata uang US$ sebagai Badan atau Lembaga Swasta sangat-sangat mustahil dan tidak masuk akal, tetapi begitulah kenyataannya. Siapakah sesungguhnya pemiliknya, mengapa pemerintah USA tidak berusaha untuk mengambil alihnya ?

Karena di sana Pemerintah yang ada harus menghargai kemandirian Lembaga Keuangan tsb, sehingga tidak ada conflik of interest. Demikian pula hal ini menutup peluang kkn sehingga pribadi-pribadi yang duduk dalam pemerintah yang sedang berkuasa tidak "mempergunakan keuangan negara" untuk kepentingan pribadi, kelompok, atau partainya.

Berjalan sejajar dengan hal tsb, Pemerintah yang ada (Eksekutif) juga menghargai kemandirian Lembaga Legislatif maupun Lembaga Yudikatif yang ada.

Seandainya hal tersebut dapat kita terapkan, maka pemberantasan korupsi / kkn pasti akan mengalami percepatan yang signifikan.

zildjidan 22nd May 2008 16:59


Originally Posted by Perseverence (Post 2386920)
Karena di sana Pemerintah yang ada harus menghargai kemandirian Lembaga Keuangan tsb, sehingga tidak ada conflik of interest. Demikian pula hal ini menutup peluang kkn sehingga pribadi-pribadi yang duduk dalam pemerintah yang sedang berkuasa tidak "mempergunakan keuangan negara" untuk kepentingan pribadi, kelompok, atau partainya.

Berjalan sejajar dengan hal tsb, Pemerintah yang ada (Eksekutif) juga menghargai kemandirian Lembaga Legislatif maupun Lembaga Yudikatif yang ada.

Seandainya hal tersebut dapat kita terapkan, maka pemberantasan korupsi / kkn pasti akan mengalami percepatan yang signifikan.

Sdr persevence sudah lihat video dokumenter ttg the fed yg saya lampirkan dibawah ini? Bagaimana menurut sdr??

Menurut saya cukup menarik dan jelas, saya baru mengetahuinya akibat apabila swasta mempu mengontrol ekonomi negaranya.. dan pada akhirnya dapat mempengaruhi kebijakan negara. (Zeitgeist part 9) (Zitgeist part 10) (Zeitgeist part 11)

(Video telah ditranslate dalam bahasa Indonesia)

base-g 22nd May 2008 17:18


Originally Posted by zildjidan (Post 2387855)
Sdr persevence sudah lihat video dokumenter ttg the fed yg saya lampirkan dibawah ini? Bagaimana menurut sdr??

Menurut saya cukup menarik dan jelas, saya baru mengetahuinya akibat apabila swasta mempu mengontrol ekonomi negaranya.. dan pada akhirnya dapat mempengaruhi kebijakan negara. (Zeitgeist part 9) (Zitgeist part 10) (Zeitgeist part 11)

(Video telah ditranslate dalam bahasa Indonesia)

conspiration theory emang antara ada dan tiada. keberpihakan seseorang pada suatu pendapat selalu dilihat dalam kacamata yang tertentu.

saya pribadi mendambakan bank sentral kita (bank indonesia) dapat menjadi lembaga yang elegan dan berwibawa seperti the fed.

maaf jika ada yang tidak setuju dengan saya. tapi jika tidak setuju mohon disampaikan keburukan2x apa yang telah dilakukan the fed.

Perseverence 22nd May 2008 19:53


Originally Posted by base-g (Post 2388392)
conspiration theory emang antara ada dan tiada. keberpihakan seseorang pada suatu pendapat selalu dilihat dalam kacamata yang tertentu.

saya pribadi mendambakan bank sentral kita (bank indonesia) dapat menjadi lembaga yang elegan dan berwibawa seperti the fed.

maaf jika ada yang tidak setuju dengan saya. tapi jika tidak setuju mohon disampaikan keburukan2x apa yang telah dilakukan the fed.

Bangsa Amerika sudah memiliki fed dan bangga dengannya.

Gw secara pribadi juga merindukan adanya bank sentral yang elegan, berwibawa, dan mandiri.

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