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whathehell 27th October 2008 19:55

Apa2 yg perlu disiapin sblm interview visa??
Halo semua...
Gw mau interview visa bln dpn nih...kira2, apa apa aja ye yang perlu disiapin sebelum hari H?pls advicenya......

anak_baru1 28th October 2008 00:07

Jenis Visa
Tergantung jenis visanya, dalam rangka apa mau ke amrik? jalan - jalan, kerja, atau urusan kerohanian?.

Yang pasti ongkosnya $131 untuk apply turis visa :sunny:

Dan ini syaratnya :

Business / Tourism Visa
Under most circumstances, individuals who would like to visit the United States for either business or pleasure must first secure a B1/B2 visa, commonly referred to as a "visitor" visa.

Applicants for visitor visas must show that they qualify under provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act and must demonstrate that they are properly classifiable as visitors under U.S. law.

The presumption in the law is that every visitor visa applicant is an intending immigrant. Therefore, applicants for visitor visas must overcome this presumption by demonstrating that:

The purpose of their trip is to enter the U.S. for business, pleasure, or medical treatment;
That they plan to remain for a specific, limited period;
Evidence of funds to cover expenses in the United States;
Evidence of compelling social and economic ties abroad; and
That they have a residence outside the U.S. as well as other binding ties which will ensure their return abroad at the end of the visit.
Visitors are not permitted to accept any employment during their stay in the United States. However, certain unpaid work can be done while on a B1/B2 visa. This includes attending business meetings, purchasing property, negotiating and signing contracts, gathering and filling orders, completing market surveys, attending conferences or short training courses and buying equipment, etc.

Professional performers who plan to perform in the United States normally need a petition-based P or O visa. Likewise, representatives of the media normally need to request an I visa to perform their work in the United States. Neither of these activities is permitted while traveling with a visitor visa.

Details about how to apply for a B1/B2 visitor visa can be found at our Application Procedures page.

Last updated: 03/13/2008
Good luck!

buburpedas 28th October 2008 02:47

huh?dah naik?bukannya 100usd anak baru?

buburpedas 28th October 2008 02:51

eh btw,ada tips neh....
harus ingat kl apply visa turis,mereka hrs diyakinkan bahwa kita bakal balik lg ke indo,ga menetap gitu lho.n lbh bgs lg kl ada surat kawin.punya deposit or rekening bank ga menjamin lho.

anak_baru1 28th October 2008 05:11

Application Fees for Non-Immigrant Visas to Increase on January 1, 2008

Originally Posted by buburpedas (Post 4966870)
huh?dah naik?bukannya 100usd anak baru?

Ngak 100 USD lagi... itu lama punya, yang berlaku sekarang : $131

Ini infonya :sunny:

Non-Immigrant Visas
Visa Processing Fee
Application Fees for Non-Immigrant Visas to Increase on January 1, 2008
Effective January 1, 2008, the application fee for a U.S. non-immigrant visa will increase from $100 to $131. This increase allows the Department to recover the costs of security and other enhancements to the non-immigrant visa application process. This increase applies both to non-immigrant visas issued on machine-readable foils in passports and to border crossing cards issued to certain applicants in Mexico.

Applicants who paid the prior $100 application fee before January 1 will be processed only if they are scheduled and appear for a visa interview before January 31. Applicants who paid the prior $100 application fee and appear for visa interviews after January 31, 2008 must pay the difference -- $31 -- before they will be interviewed.

The Department is required by law to attempt to recover the cost of processing non-immigrant visas through the collection of the Machine-Readable Visa application fee. Because of new security-related costs, new information technology systems, and inflation, the $100 Machine-Readable Visa fee is lower than the actual cost of processing non-immigrant visas. In fact, the $100 fee was already lower than the cost of processing non-immigrant visas when the fee was reviewed as a part of the cost of service study in 2004. The Department has been absorbing the additional cost. We are now collecting 10 fingerprints from each applicant, and the cost charged by the FBI to review those fingerprints no longer allows us to do this. The application fee has increased twice since September 11, 2001, the last time in 2002.

Last updated: 12/18/2007

anak_baru1 28th October 2008 05:24

Persyaratan dasar yang harus dibawa dalam wawancara US Visa
Ini topic pernah saya tulis pada topik yang lain, makanya saya tinggal copy dan paste, semoga bermanfaat ya.

Jadi menurut saya, Dalam melakukan interview di kedutaan USA di Indonesia, dalam waktu yang relative singkat (biasanya interview dilakukan 2 - 4 menit saja) kita sudah harus bisa menyakinkan petugas consuler dengan memberikan jawaban yang menyakinkan. Bagaimanapun pemberian visa USA tergantung orang yang menginterview kita. Saran saya, bawalah surat surat seperti,

1. Surat keterangan kerja dari perusahaan, sekaligus menjelaskan posisi kerja dan berapa lama sudah kerja disana, dan perusahaan menjamin anda akan kerja kembali setelah berlibur, atau kalau masih sekolah / kuliah, minta surat keterangan dari tempat sekolah. (bahasa Indonesia and Inggris)
2. Surat bank (tabungan) asli dan fotocopy
3. Surat Sponsor (kalau bisa berikut copy ID card orang yang mengundang kita), dan surat keterangan kerja orang yang mengundang kita. Biasanya hal ini digunakan untuk membuktikan bahwa orang yang mengundang kita bukan Orang Illegal.
4. Surat booking ticket (jangan beli dulu, yang penting booking printnya dari agency)
5. photo copy KTP
6. Photo copy passort, bawa dan sertakan juga passport lama untuk membuktikan pernah ke luar negeri sebelumnya.
7. Kalau punya property rumah, mobil, tanah, silahkan dibawah asli dan copynya.
8. Fotocopy ijazah terakhir.

Pakailah pakaian yang sopan, kalau ada Jas (suite) ya pakai, atau batik juga boleh. Jangan pakai kaos or t-shirt.
Berdoa sebelum interview dilakukan.

Semua dokumen tersebut di copy, terus yang aslinya juga dibawa, untuk jaga-jaga petugasnya nanya dokumen aslinya.

Pokoknya jangan gugup waktu melakukan interview di kedutaan. Jika ngak bisa berbahasa inggris yang baik, gunakan bahasa Indonesia karena petugas consuler bisa berbahasa Indonesia.

Dari pengalaman saya yang minta visa US, dokumen yang saya bawa bisa mencapai kurang lebih 300 lembar lho (termasuk photo copy ijasah kuliah, listrik, air, telp, insurance, dll). Emang sih akhirnya mereka ngak check satu per satu, tapi setidak - tidaknya dengan dokumen yang saya bawa, cukup menyakinkan mereka bahwa saya punya potensi pulang ke Indonesia

Salam dan semoga bermanfaat.

whathehell 3rd November 2008 17:05

Makasi atas info2nya..aku mau apply H2b visa,jadi alasannya bekerja.secara aku skrg blm nikah,dan ga punya sertifikat tanah,kan aku bukan orang kaya yg punya tanah.yang ada cuma sertifikat motor butut:getok: aku masih kerja diindo krg tp aku ke US bukan atas nama tempat kerja aku skg,tapi aku mau kerja yg lebih menghasilkan disana.aku udah pernah kerja disana sebelumnya dg visa h2b,tapi waktu dulu inreview disurabaya,n ga ditanya macem2 tapi lgs dikasi visa.nah ini dijakarta pastinya bakalan lbh serem.Jadi mohon buat yang udah pada pengalaman untuk berbagi cerita..

whathehell 7th November 2008 23:56

Thanks all!!!!
Aku udah diinterview pagi tadi!
Thank God everything went Well!!!USA here i come!!!!:gembira::gembira::gembira::gembira::gembi ra::gembira::gembira:

Coffeys6679 8th November 2008 09:54


Originally Posted by whathehell (Post 5158009)
Thanks all!!!!
Aku udah diinterview pagi tadi!
Thank God everything went Well!!!USA here i come!!!!:gembira::gembira::gembira::gembira::gembi ra::gembira::gembira:

Congrats ya....duh seneng nya....malah duluan yg pake H2B visa drpd aku yg lg proses spouse visa ya hiks hiks.....ok dech have nice trip ya.GBU

maCHUpiCHU 19th November 2008 07:50

wah selamat ya yang udah dapet visa..
dulu permohonan visa gw ditolak..:(
padahal pas interview si bule ngomongnya baek bener, tapi pas ujung2nya she said "maaf kamu belum dapat berkunjung ke amerika karena ketentuan yang berlaku." padahal disaat yang bersamaan, 3 orang sodara gw dapet visa bt bt aahh :sweatdrop:

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