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Old 25th April 2017, 13:15
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kumalraj is offline

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Originally Posted by doellpaten View Post
Ternyata itu alasan logisnya kenapa Islam membolehkan melakukan poligami, karena bagi pria, meskipun telah berumur 70 tahun, ternyata masih mampu berproduksi, asal pasangannya belum menopuse...

Kebayang gak ada laki2 yg berumur di atas 60 tahun misalnya punya istri umur 50 tahun ke atas, tapi udah gak punya nafsu melayani suaminya???
Apakah suaminya itu harus ikut menopaus juga???

Ketika aku mampir ke Pangkal Pinang, sambil kongkow dan ngalor ngidul di warkop, kawan dari daerah itu menyampaikan, bahwa ada etnis tertentu di situ dimana anaknya secara rutin dlm waktu tertentu mengantar bapaknya ke hotel agar bisa menyalurkan nafsunya, entahlah, apa kah obrolan di warkop itu bener, atau hanya gosip, tapi itu menandakan, laki2 meskipun sdh tua masih butuh sex...

Kalo ada yg mau share dan berbagi informasi silahkan...
Biarpun masih bisa punya anak, tapi itu tidak dianjurkan. Resiko penyakit karena kerusakan DNA pada anak makin besar kalau makin tua ayah biologisnya.

Jadi sebaiknya tidak perlu poligami. Kalau istri sudah tidak bisa hamil dan punya anak, itu artinya mutu sperma suaminya juga kemungkinan besar kualitasnya tidak cukup bagus untuk menghasilkan keturunan yang sehat.

A Danish population based study of 1920 affected births of 1 489 014 live births concluded that paternal age is associated with cleft lip and cleft palate, independently of maternal age.16 Single gene mutations are the suggested mechanism. Many autosomal dominant diseases (for example, achondroplasia) have been shown to be associated with increasing paternal age.10 A population based study of childhood brain cancers reported to the Swedish Cancer Registry between 1960 and 1994 concluded that there is a paternal age affect, estimated to confer about 25% excess risk in fathers >35 years of age.17 A case‐control study of 10 162 matched pairs reported a threefold increase in risk of retinoblastoma for fathers ⩾45 years18 and a 50% increased risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia for fathers aged 35 years or more was found in a historical cohort of 434 933 live births.19 There is conflicting evidence regarding congenital heart defects, although it has been estimated that among offspring of men aged >35 years, about 5% of cases may be attributable to advanced paternal age.10

King of Losers

Last edited by kumalraj; 25th April 2017 at 13:19..
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