Thread: GOsiP Socialite
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Old 20th June 2009, 12:24
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cookiesNcream is offline

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Originally Posted by DietCoke View Post
its so true. I know Jess personally and the other siblings jg. pretty nice ppl.
i dont really know Indra's children. I'm just familiar with Frankie, Mochtar and Djaffar Widjaja's children.
iya, Michael Widjaja nanti yg akan pegang Duta Pertiwi. Mochtar ini kan main businessnya property. He graduated from USC. 1 batch sama cousinnya, Deb Widjaja.
The Widjajas clan r very well educated and well behaved family i guess. Unlike, the social climber yg trying so hard to get reckon

i read ur post about Diah Djojonegoro before. Diah is Junia's and Alaric's Djojonegoro cousin kan? I think she's good looking and very fashionable. I like her personally. Alaric married to Natalie Pudjiadi.
yup the widjaja's clan from the 1st wife memang stays under the radar which is very good.. cus they dont have to; there is no incentive for them to act lebay just to get recognized like the those climber... but again i heard a lot about them cus some of my friends are closed to them but i never meet them in person.. i met their parents though..hahaha cus my dad worked closely w/ frankie, mochtar, n indra during BII crisis back then...hehehehe yes papanya michael kan yg pegang property businessnya mreka... r u in UPenn too??? since u know jess well... brarti lo kenal john juga donng???haha *tetep*

-about diah.. yes i was asking about her cus her name is very closely related to the john riady's in law, u prolly hv figured out that i hv a thing for that "nobita"hahahahaha jadi gw nanya... n yes diah is fashionable n nice too.. yes ktanya carine dia sepupuan sama alaric suaminya si nat... nat juga very prettykan... i heard she just had a baby, well her baby must b good looking too cus they have the good looking DNA swimming around..haha
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