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Old 20th May 2017, 13:06
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netralasik is offline

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netralasik is a legendnetralasik is a legendnetralasik is a legendnetralasik is a legendnetralasik is a legendnetralasik is a legendnetralasik is a legendnetralasik is a legendnetralasik is a legendnetralasik is a legendnetralasik is a legend


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salken juga
perasaan suka senggolan deh di forpol...

ini sedikit soal al idrisi..kalo mau cari tau lebih enakan google sendiri seh
Oh gitu yak, yawdeh senggol egen dah

Btw itu al idrisi gimana caranya nentuin bumi = bulet kalo belum nyebrang ke antartika?

Tau James Cook kan?
Penemu new zealand dan org pertama yg menjelajah pinggiran laut antartika.

Tau gak die ngelilingin antartika itu sejauh 60.000 km, selama 3 tahun 8 hari.
Padahal bumi, keliling equator nya aja cuma 40.000 km.
Jadi keliling pinggiran antartika yg ditempuh si JC itu 1,5 equator bumi bola (Kan aneh n super gak masuk akal)

Pastinya kalo buminya bulet, lingkaran garis lintang di pinggiran antartika jauh lebih kecil (pendek) jaraknya, mungkin kira2 1/3 atau 1/2 keliling equator. Begitu juga di kutub utara.
Tapi nyatanya kenapa malah semakin kebawah (selatan), malah makin meluas seperti kerucut?

Cook once again wintered in New Zealand, leaving in November 1774 on his third voyage. He sailed across the south Pacific and arrived five weeks later at Tierra del Fuego. He remained for two weeks and then left in a northeasterly direction into the Atlantic. Unexpectedly, they sighted land and immediately thought they had finally found the southern continent but instead it was an island, covered in ice, which he named South Georgia. Although his intentions were to continue to England, his temptation to the south could not be resisted and at the end of January he sighted a group of islands even more desolate than South Georgia. These he named the South Sandwich Islands. After a week of exploration in them, he turned north for England, reaching England on July 30, 1775. The voyage lasted three years and eight days covering more than 60,000 miles. Cook had proved there was no southern continent unless it was at the pole itself.

Route perjalanan James Cook keliling Antartika dengan Globe Map (GE)

Route perjalanan James Cook keliling Antartika dengan Flat Map (FE)

Last edited by netralasik; 20th May 2017 at 13:49..
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