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Old 16th February 2017, 15:27
freya. is offline

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freya. Super Legendfreya. Super Legendfreya. Super Legendfreya. Super Legendfreya. Super Legendfreya. Super Legendfreya. Super Legendfreya. Super Legendfreya. Super Legendfreya. Super Legendfreya. Super Legend


No Strings Attached (2011)
Adam dan Emma prtama kali kenal ketika keduanya camping 15 tahun yg lalu.. Saat itu orang tua Adam dalam proses bercerai.. Adam curhat hal tsb ke Emma dan Emma bingung mau jawabin gmna hiburnya, akhirnya Emma blg, "Look.. I'm not really an affectionate person. Ppl aren't meant to b together 4ever.."
Adam dan Emma bbrp kali randomly bumped to each other after that.. End up only as a stranger one to another.. Gak pernah bner-bner berkomunikasi aktif dan deket satu sm lain.
Suatu ketika, Adam mabok berat stlh tau his ex slept (have sex) dan in a relationship with his dad. Adam tried to reach any girl in his contact list to have random sex with any of them and had no luck. Pagi nya dlm keadaan hangover tau2 dia ada di aprtmen Emma (share aptment) dan he managed to have quickie with Emma.

Pasca physical intimate contact between them, Adam coba PDKT ke Emma dan respon awal Emma menolak. Emma mempunyai ketakutan dlm membina hubungan dan komitmen. Emma does not want to be in love, dating, having a couple relationship.. Mnurut dia, at the end.. It's just gonna end up hurting her.. Akhirnya mereka sepakat utk jadi f-buddies (using each other merely for the intimate pleasure and nothing else. No strings attached.)

For the first couple of weeks, all still great.. They r doing it anytime and everywhere.. No personal talk, just sex. Tapi akhirnya mereka mulai saling cemburu satu sm lain.. They start to falling in love. Karena Emma bner-bner takut dengan perasaannya sndiri.. Dia memilih menjauh smpe perasaannya netral dan dia bahkan saranin Adam to have a random casual sex with anyone dan dia blg she will do the same. However ketika Adam kirimin pic dengan pose yg bikin Emma slh paham dan cemburu, Emma lgsg nyamperin ke aprtmen Adam dan ngelabrak perempuan nya.. So she actually doesnt want adam to be close with any other woman but she's too scared to be in relationship.

Relationship between them goes on and off.. Smpe akhirnya Emma sadar she really in love with Adam dan she is willing to take the risk (of being in a relationship... The possibility of getting hurt).

Adam to Emma @ the hospital : "you have to know, if you come any closer, I'm not gonna let you go."

Overall... film nya lumayan. Genre nya : rom-comm.
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